Seva, beautiful Island in the Keta lagoon

Seva is a town located in the Keta Lagoon in the Keta district now Municipal of Ghana. Seva is one of the islands forming the archipelago of the Keta Lagoon. It covers an area of approximately 2.7 square miles.

This island is important as a bird-watching site because it is a stopover point for many migratory birds.

The people of Seva are part of the Ewes who migrated from Notsie in the Republic of Togo. Seva is divided into the north (Adziehe) and South (Anyiehe) divisions.

Seva was a complete island until recently a road was carved through from Konu, near Anyako. The town is surrounded by a body of brackish water― the Keta Lagoon.

There are three Chieftaincy Stools in Seva, namely Lotsu Makwa, Adzomani and Adoblanui-Xornyo Stools. The Lotsu Makwa Stool is the Dufia Stool or Senior Chief Stool. Its occupant, Lotsu Makwa IV, has abdicated, but his abdication is not recognized by the Anlo Traditional Council.

The current occupant of the Adzomani Stool is Togbi Adzomani II, while the Adoblanui-Xornyo Stool has a regent, Gabriel Agbewole (Agbeworle), the last occupant of the Stool, Togbi Atsapo-Xornyo, known in private life as Richard Kofi Atsakpo, having died on December 24, 2013.

Their major vocation is Kete cloth weaving. They also are engaged in fishing which is a lucrative business. This is where you find a lot of fish if you are a lover of fish especially the tilapia fish . People from this town are known to have the most brilliant brains .

Seva has many attractions including local storytelling in Ewe which is undertaken as a pastime activity, beautiful scenery, beautiful beach which will soon become one of the most beautiful resorts Ghana can ever have and boast of, but one major challenge of the town is lack of pipe-borne water.

All inhabitants of Seva township harvest rainwater and store it in tanks for use by the households and the schools.

The first school children among those determined school children were the Lotsu, Zaney, Hukporti, Kumordzi, Beckley, Tay, Womoakor, Ametamenya, Dzimabi and Abiemo. The others were Adadevo, Kudekor, Agezo, Doe and Dellor.

In 1917, there was a heavy flooding of the lagoon waters which rendered fording to and from school at Anyako impossible, hence these school children relocated to Keta to continue their education. Around this time, the Salvation Army Church had begun to establish its presence in Seva under the leadership of one Godwin Segbawu from Woe.

Distinguished Scholars from Seva include Lawyer Prosper Max Lotsu Member, Ghana Bar Association who is also a Senior Officer at Ghana Revenue Authority in Accra.

Engineer Shelter Lotsu Ghana Highways Authority, Mr Gordon Lotsu, who emerged as the best student in one of Britain’s biggest universities, Mr Saviour Lotsu CEO Quest Consult, Professor Clement Agezo who is also a product of the Seva Primary and middle schools, Amega Agbavitor Alorgbodzi, Mr EB Zaney (the first to donate bags of cement for the construction of the first church in the town the AME Zion Church), Honour Selasi Dzimabi, Ambrose Kwadzo Hukporti, Isaac Kwami Torsu, Simon Torsu, John Eklu , GD Zaney Esq just to mention a few.

Source: Made in Volta

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